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Link Alternativo | Edição 17 – Junho de 2013
:: Bahamas | Tiger Beach
:: Cave Diving | Jail House, México
:: Adventure Sports Fair 2013
:: Fotógrafo Convidado: Ulisses Turati
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[issuu viewmode=presentation showflipbtn=true documentid=130524034450-318973e092c54251bb369406c7ce0071 docname=divemag17w loadinginfotext=DIVEMAG%20%7C%20Edi%C3%A7%C3%A3o%2017%20%7C%20International%20Dive%20Magazine showhtmllink=true tag=adventure width=600 height=389 unit=px]
Size of Rare Deep-Sea Fish Found in the Canary Islands Surprises Experts
Study Reveals Similarities Between Whale Songs and Human Language
Earth’s Core May Have Changed Shape, Scientists Say